Union Parish is a Wet and Dry Parish
Towns: Bernice | Farmerville | Marion
Villages: Downsville | Junction City | Lillie | Spearsville
Hours of Operation - Sunday Sales - Closing Hours – Exceptions – Being in Premises During Closed Hours - Ward 2 - Ward 3 - Ward 4 - Ward 5 - Ward 6 - Ward 8 - Ward 9 - Location Regulations
Hours of Sales:
Closing Hours: All places of business where alcoholic beverages are kept, sold, stored for sale at retail, served or consumed including without limitation thereto, cabarets, night clubs, road houses, saloons, and public dance halls where alcoholic beverages are sold, stored for sale at retail, served or consumed, shall close their places of business at 12:00 midnight and remain so closed until 6:00 a.m. of the following morning, except that they shall be closed from 12:00 midnight Saturday night until 6:00 a.m. of the following Monday morning; and, during the hours when same shall be closed, all business activities on the premises shall cease.
Exceptions: The provisions above shall not apply to any bona fide cigar stand, newsstand, drugstore, restaurant, hotel, motel, or grocery store; provided no such establishment shall sell, serve, allow to be consumed on the premises and such establishment is prohibited from selling, serving, or permitting to be consumed in, on, or about such premises any alcoholic beverages from 12:00 midnight until 6:00 a.m. of the following morning, and from 12:00 midnight Saturday until 6:00 a.m. on the following Monday morning. During the period hereinabove provided, such places of business shall keep all alcoholic liquors or beverages covered up. The provisions are not intended to permit any place of business herein designated to remain open where that business is forbidden to remain open by any other provision of this Code or ordinance of the parish or state law.
Being in Premises During Closed Hours: It shall be unlawful for any person other than the proprietor or his employee to stay or be found in any barroom, saloon, restaurant or other place where alcoholic beverages are kept and sold between the hours when such places are required to be closed.
Ward 2--Sales Regulations:
The sale of alcoholic beverages containing more than 3.2% alcohol by weight is prohibited in Ward 2 of the parish.
Ward 3--Sales Regulations:
The sale of alcoholic beverages containing more than 0.5% alcohol by volume is prohibited in Ward 3 of the parish.
Ward 4--Sales Regulations:
The sale of alcoholic beverages containing no more than 6% alcohol by volume is permitted in Ward 4, excluding the municipality of Bernice. Any person, firm, corporation or business shall not be licensed to sell alcoholic beverages containing more than 6% alcohol by volume.
Ward 5--Sales Regulations:
The sale of alcoholic beverages containing more than 3.2% alcohol by weight is prohibited in Ward 5 of the parish.
Ward 6--Sales Regulations:
The sale of alcoholic beverages containing more than 3.2% alcohol by weight is prohibited in Ward 6 of the parish.
Ward 8--Sales Regulations:
The sale of alcoholic beverages containing more than 3.2% alcohol by weight is prohibited in Ward 8 of the parish.
Ward 9--Sales Regulations:
The sale of alcoholic beverages containing more than 0.5% alcohol by volume is prohibited in Ward 9 of the parish, including the municipality of Bernice, excepting the part of Ward 9 inside the corporate limits of the municipality of Bernice.
Location Regulations:
No permit shall be granted for any premises situated within 500 feet or less distance of a building occupied exclusively as a church or synagogue, public library, public playground or school, except a school for business college or school. Certain exceptions apply.
Municipal of Famerville Ordinances
Legal Hours of Operation - Sunday Sales - Location Regulations
Closing Hours:
All places of business where alcoholic beverages are kept, sold, stored for sale at retail, including but not limited to, convenience stores, grocery stores and any other retail establishments where alcoholic beverages are sold, stored for sale at retail, shall cease the sale of all alcoholic beverages from 12:00 midnight Saturday until 2:00 p.m. Sunday.
All places operated as a bottle club, private club, or business where alcoholic beverages are kept, sold, stored for sale, served or consumed, including but not limited to, cabarets, nightclubs, road houses, saloons, and public dance halls where alcoholic beverages are sold, stored for sale at retail, served or consumed, shall close their places of business at 2:00 a.m. and remain so closed until 6:00 a.m. of the following morning, except that they shall be closed from 2:00 a.m. Sunday until 6:00 a.m. of the following Monday morning; and, during the hours when same shall be closed, all business activities on the premises shall cease.
All places of business where alcoholic beverages are kept, sold, stored for sale at retail, including but not limited to, convenience stores, grocery stores and any other retail establishment where alcoholic beverages are sold, stored for sale at retail shall, when the sale of all alcoholic beverages is prohibited, shall keep all alcoholic beverages covered up or if said alcoholic beverages are stored in a cooler, display case or such enclosed storage container, it shall be kept under lock and key.
It shall be unlawful for any person, other than the proprietor or the proprietor's employee, to stay or be found in any bottle club, private club or barroom, saloon, or other place where alcoholic beverages are kept and sold and/or anywhere on the property upon which same is operated, between the hours when such places are required to be closed.
Location Regulations:
No permit shall be granted for any premises situated within 300 feet of a public playground, or of a building used exclusively as a church or synagogue, public library, or school, except a school for business education conducted as a business college or school. Certain exceptions apply.