Tensas Parish is a Wet Parish
Towns: Newellton | St. Joseph | Waterproof
Hours of Operation - Sunday Sales - Location Regulations -
Hours of Sales:
No licensed retailer of alcoholic beverages shall sell or allow the consumption of beverages of alcoholic content on the premises to any person from midnight until 8:00 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and from 2:00 a.m. until 8:00 a.m. on Saturday and from 2:00 a.m. Sunday until 8:00 a.m. Monday.
All stores, shops, saloons, and all places of public business, licensed under the law of Louisiana or under any parochial law and all plantation stores, shall close at 2:00 a.m. on each Sunday morning and remain closed continuously until 8:00 a.m. Monday morning during which closed time proprietor thereof shall not give, trade, barter, exchange or sell any of the stock or any article of merchandise kept in establishment. These provisions relative to Sunday closing for applicable businesses, included therein shall not apply to newsdealers, the sale of ice, watering places and public parks, places of resort for recreation and health newspaper offices, keepers of soda fountains, printing offices, books stores and other stores outlined by ordinance, unless intoxicating liquors are actually sold in the premises during the hours of exclusion as provided above.
Hotels, restaurants or boarding houses may sell wine for table use on Sundays. No alcoholic, vinous or malt liquors (excluding beer) shall be given, traded or bartered or sold or delivered in the above applicable public places on Sundays, except when administered or prescribed by a practicing physician in the discharge of his professional duties. In which case the physicians administering the intoxicating liquors may charge therefor.
Location Regulations:
No permit shall be granted under this Chapter in contravention of any municipal or parish ordinance adopted pursuant to the zoning laws of the state. No permit shall be issued by the commissioner or by any municipality or parish to authorize any business in any subdivision of the state where the business has been prohibited by referendum vote. In any subdivision where saloons are prohibited, but package sales of liquor are permitted, Class B package liquor permits may be issued in combination with Class A retail beer permits. Any premises licensed to deal in alcoholic beverages, upon proper application, shall be issued a permit for beverages of low alcoholic content as defined in R.S. 26:241. The new permit shall be of the same class as the one for which the premises has a license. When prohibited by municipal or parish ordinance, no permit shall be granted for any premises situated within 300 feet or less, as fixed by the ordinance, of a public playground or of a building used exclusively as a church or synagogue, public library, or school. Outside of municipalities and unincorporated areas which are not divided into subdivisions with streets, blocks, sidewalks, parish ordinances may extend the prohibition to a distance of 500 feet of the church, synagogue, public library, school, or playground. These prohibitions do not apply to any premises which are maintained as a bona fide hotel or fraternal organization, not to any premises which have been licensed to deal in alcoholic beverages for a period of one year or longer prior to the adoption of the ordinance.