Catahoula Parish is a Wet Parish
Towns: Jonesville
Villages: Harrisonbug | Sicily Island
Hours of Operation - Sunday Sales - WARD 4--Sales Regulations - Location Regulations
Closing Hours:
All places of business where beverages of low alcoholic content or beverages of high alcoholic content are kept, sold or stored for sale at retail for consumption on the premises, including without limitation thereto, lounges, bars, barrooms, caberets, nightclubs, roadhouses, saloons, and public dancehalls shall close their place of business from 12:00 A.M. midnight Monday thru Thursday, and at 1:00 A.M. on Friday and Saturday, until 6:00 A.M. of the following Monday morning and during the hours when same shall be closed, all business activities on the premises shall cease.
These provisions shall not apply to any bonafide restaurant where food (for consumption on the premises) is the principal item sold and alcoholic beverages of low alcoholic content are served as a beverage with the meal.
WARD 4--Sales Regulations:
The sale of beverages of low alcoholic content containing more than 3.2% alcohol by weight and not more than 6% alcohol by volume shall be permitted in Ward 4, Precinct 1, Village of Harrisonburg and prohibited in Ward 4, Precinct 2, rural area.
The sale of beverages containing more than 0.5% alcohol by volume, but not more than 3.2% alcohol by weight shall be permitted in Ward 4, Precinct 1, Village of Harrisonburg and prohibited in Ward 4, Precinct 2, rural area.
The sale of beverages of high alcoholic content containing more than 6% alcohol by volume for consumption on the premises shall be prohibited in Ward 4, Precincts 1 and 2.
The sale of beverages of high alcoholic content containing more than 6% alcohol by volume, by package only and not for consumption on the premises shall be permitted in Ward 4, Precinct 1, Village of Harrisonburg and prohibited in Ward 4, Precinct 2, rural area.
The sale of alcoholic beverages of high or low alcoholic content shall be prohibited on the premises of restaurant establishments which have been issued an "R" permit as provided in R.S. 26:71.2 in Ward 4, Precincts 1 and 2.
Location Regulations:
No permit shall be issued by the Catahoula Parish Police Jury to authorize the conduct of alcoholic beverage businesses within the territorial limits of Catahoula Parish to deal in beverages of low alcoholic content on premises within a distance of 500 feet of the property line of churches, synagogues, public libraries, parish playgrounds or schools or to deal in beverages of high alcoholic content on premises within a distance of 500 feet of churches, synagogues, public libraries, parish playgrounds or schools.