Beauregard Parish is wet and dry parish while some of the parish is for low content only.
City: DeRidder
Town: Merryville
Hours of Operation - Sunday Sales - Noise, Litter, Location Regulations - possession of Firearms on Premises – Intoxicated Persons
Hours for Sales / Consumption:
The sale of all alcoholic beverages, whether defined as "malt beverages" or "liquors", and the consumption of said beverages on any premises licensed for the sale of alcoholic beverages are both prohibited within the parish, outside the corporate limits of incorporated villages, towns and cities from the hours of 12:00 midnight until 8:00 a.m. each day and from Saturday at 12:00 midnight until the following Monday at 8:00 a.m.
Location Regulations:
No beer or liquor license shall be granted for any premises within the parish if said premises is situated within 500 feet of a building or facility occupied exclusively as a church, synagogue, public library, public playground, public park or public school, and daycare centers outside any incorporated areas of the parish.
Possession of Firearms on Premises:
No person shall intentionally possess a firearm while on the premises of any commercial establishment in which alcoholic beverages of either high or low alcoholic content are sold in individual servings for consumption on the premises (except this does not include a restaurant if a majority of the restaurant's gross receipts are from sales of food and nonalcoholic beverages). This does not apply to an owner / employee of the establishment or to a law enforcement officer in performance of his official duties.
Intoxicated Persons:
No intoxicated person shall be permitted where beverages are sold, and any retailer selling to any persons intoxicated shall be subject to penalties.
City of DeRidder Ordinances
Legal Hours of Operation - Hours of Consumption for BYOB Establishments - Sunday Sales – Location Regulations – Possession of Firearms
Hours of Sales and Consumption:
The sale and consumption of all alcoholic beverages on any premises licensed for the sale of alcoholic beverages are both prohibited within the City of DeRidder from the hours of 12:00 midnight until 8:00 a.m. each weekday and from Saturday at 12:00 midnight until the following Monday at 8:00 a.m.
Hours of Consumption for BYOB Establishments:
It is illegal for any person(s), firm, limited liability company, corporation or other entity, including private club(s) known as BYOB ("bring your own bottle" or "bring your own booze"), establishments to allow the possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on their premises: During the period from 12:00 midnight on any weekday night until 8:00 a.m. the following morning; or, During the period from 12:00 midnight on Saturday until 8:00 a.m. the following Monday morning, anywhere within the corporate limits of the City of DeRidder, Louisiana. It shall also be unlawful for any person(s), firm, limited liability company, corporation or other entity who is in the business of operating a nightclub or any business engaged principally allowing the possession and/or consumption of alcohol on the premises, including, but not limited, to those described, designated or defined as a BYOB ("bring your own bottle" or "bring your own booze") establishment, to be open during these hours.
Location Regulations:
It is illegal to engage in the business of dealing in alcoholic beverages at any premises situated within 300 feet or less of a public playground or a day care center, said 300-foot limitation being determined by the standard method provided by law as to public playgrounds and by the alternate method of measurement allowed by Louisiana Law of measuring in a straight line from the nearest point of the property line of the church or synagogue, public library, school, or full-time day care center to the nearest point of the premises of such business.
It shall be unlawful, except for Class B retail dealers and Class R restaurants, to engage in the business of dealing in alcoholic beverages at any premises within B-1 (Transitional business), B-2 (Neighborhood business), B-3 (General business), B-4 (Southeast redevelopment district), or B-5 (Central/downtown business) zones of the City of DeRidder.
Possession of Firearms:
No person shall intentionally possess a firearm while on the premises of an alcoholic beverage outlet. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the owner or lessee of an alcoholic beverage outlet, or to an employee of such owner or lessee, or to a law enforcement officer acting in the performance of his official duties.
City Of Merryville Ordinances
Location Regulations: No Permit shall be granted in contravention of any applicable zoning ordinance or regulation.
No permit shall be granted for any for any premises situated within 300 feet of any public playground, or any building used exclusively as a church, synagogue, public library or school, except a business college. The prohibition does not apply to any premises maintained as a hotel, railway car or fraternal organization.
Sale to incompetents: No person shall sell, give or deliver any alcoholic beverage to or procure or aid the procuration of any alcoholic beverages for any habitual drunkard or person of unsound mind, knowing that the person buying or receiving the alcoholic beverage is a habitual drunkard or of unsound mind.
Sunday Hours: Alcoholic beverages cannot be sold between the hours of 12 Am (Midnight) Saturday night until 6AM Monday morning.
Open Containers Prohibited: It shall be unlawful for any person to carry or drink from an open container on public land within the city limits.